Inspirational Shirts  ($25 per shirt 2-sided)
(($15 for 1-sided))
Order# LIFT
Order# LOGO

If you are not content with God, change your point of reference


A beautiful woman uses her lips for truth, her voice for kindness, her ears for compassion, her hands for charity, and her heart for love. For those who do not like  her, she uses prayer.

Order# WOMAN

A hug is always the right size

​Order# HUG

A lion never loses sleep over the opinions of sheep

Order# LION

Be a fountain not a drain

Order# DRAIN

Be an organ donor, give your heart to Jesus

Order# DONOR

Being happy is a very personal thing -- and it really has nothing to do with anyone else

Order# HAPPY

Bring your haters a chair, since they can not stand to see you blessed


C.  O.  F.  F.  E.  E.
Christ Offers Forgiveness For Everyone Everywhere